We would love to have you join us for Worship
Please submit resumes to pastorsearch@sananncc.com
San Antonio Community Church (SACC) is a Southern Baptist church born of a vision in San Antonio, Florida, and is associated with the Pasco Baptist Association and Florida Baptist Convention.
We are a community church for a rural community in transition. From right here in "San Ann" and all over the country, people have found their way to our family of faith.
Laying firm foundations on Jesus Christ. Building strong lives on the Word of God. We are a family of friends and neighbors, seeking to know all that we can of Christ. Having come together from varied life experiences, we embrace traditional worship with a contemporary twist. Our focus is on the sacred scriptures through which God has chosen to reveal Himself. We love our choir, hymns of the faith and contemporary songs from our hymnal. The congregation sings actively even without a formal director/leader. We currently have a small but mighty outstanding dedicated choir. Together we hope to live as witnesses and examples of the great grace afforded us by the atoning sacrifice of our Lord.
We are a congregation of some 50+ members with around 35 weekly attenders. Our weekly attendance includes several who are not members yet. We have Sunday Morning worship at 10:30AM. Tuesday 8AM the men meet for a devotional, prayer, and breakfast. Wednesday ladies meet at 6:30PM for Bible study, then choir meets at 7:30PM. Today the average age range of members is between 30 to 85.
The church has no debt. There is 12+ acres, and a Worship Center was erected in 2003.
San Antonio is a diverse community, and we choose to not choose the people to whom we minister, but to allow God in His wisdom and power to open the doors to all people’s hearts as we stand ready to give account of what He has done in our lives. We choose no demographic. We have no target group but the unsaved and the unchurched. We believe that we are here to make a difference in the life of the community and in the lives of individuals. We purpose to minister to whoever needs us and to respond as we are called. Above all, we desire to serve the one Who gave His life for our salvation.
SACC is a warm and welcoming church family who is interested in reaching out to the next generations in our community and the surrounding Pasco communities. We are excited about what God will do through the leadership of our new Pastor.
We are not a creedal congregation, meaning that we do not subscribe to or adhere to any set document of faith. The Bible is our only creed and our ultimate authority and test; the Baptist Faith and Message is our statement of faith. While we are deeply appreciative of our Southern Baptist heritage, we choose to avoid serving tradition at the expense of what is Biblical, effective and efficient for the glorification of God and the edification of believers.
- We believe that salvation is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross in our place as an atoning sacrifice for our sin.
- We believe in the virgin birth. We believe in a literal resurrection. We believe in the literal and imminent return of Jesus to earth.
- We believe in the authority and inerrancy of Scripture and its power to provide infallible direction and purpose for our lives. We believe that the Scripture is without inherent contradiction, and that open and faithful scholarship is mandated for understanding its context and the application of its principles to our lives, both corporately and privately.
- We believe that Christians should develop in their faith and be committed to a life of personal devotion to God. Such commitment is expressed through:
- corporate and private worship
- participation in small group Bible study
- meaningful service in a ministry
- giving financially in a God-honoring manner
- intentionally introducing others to a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
We practice baptism by immersion as an outward expression of the inward decision to place our faith in Jesus Christ.
To learn more, email us or call the church (352) 588-9985.
Toward the end of our worship service, following the sermon, we sing our "Hymn of Decision." we invite those who have not yet asked Jesus Christ into their lives to come forward to talk at this time. You may have already asked Jesus into your life but never professed it publicly or been baptized as a believer. Pastor will talk to you to confirm that you understand that your salvation is a matter of sincere confession and belief and present you to the church as a candidate for membership upon your obedient baptism as a believer. This is your profession of faith. If you have never committed your life to Jesus, you may speak to Pastor about how to receive salvation and eternal life.
This is also the opportunity for those who have already professed faith and been baptized and who wish to join this local church to come forward and request membership in the church.
To have been a full member of a Southern Baptist church, you will have to have, at some point, publicly professed your faith in Jesus and submitted to baptism by immersion. You may have joined a Bible study or Sunday School class without having ever actually joined the church. If you hold full membership in any other Southern Baptist church, you can join San Antonio Community Church by requesting that we arrange the transfer of your letter of membership to us. The church office will handle this for you.
If you have not previously belonged to a Southern Baptist church but have professed your faith in Jesus Christ and followed that by obediently submitting to biblical baptism, then you may become a member based upon your personal statement of faith and obedient baptism. If you have never been baptized by immersion, that is being submerged in the water in the name of God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit as an aware believer, then we would ask that you submit to this biblical mandate for believers.
Pastor will be pleased to answer any questions you have concerning your salvation or church membership. (352) 588-9985
What is Salvation, and what must I do to be Saved?
We think life’s most important question is “Are you going to heaven when you die?” It is not a question of how good you are, whether you go to church, or how much money you give to charity. God says, in order to go to heaven, you must be born again. (John 3:3)
The plan of salvation is right in the Bible. God gives us His clear plan for being “born again.”
First, we must acknowledge God as the Creator of everything and accept our humble position in God's creation. "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created." (Revelation 4:11)
Next, we must realize that we are sinners. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Because we are sinners, we are condemned to death. "For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23) This includes eternal separation from God.
But God loved each of us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to bear our sin and die in our place. "God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) Although we cannot understand how, God said our sins were laid upon Jesus and He died in our place. Jesus became our substitute.
In the Bible, a jailer asked his prisoners, Paul and Silas: "What must I do to be saved?" They said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:30-31)
It’s very clear in the Bible, believe in Jesus as the one who bore your sins on the cross, dying in your place, and who was buried and raised from death. It is Christ’s blood and resurrection that assures us of salvation and eternal life when we call on Him as our Lord and Savior. "For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Romans 10:13) Whoever includes each and every one of us.
Therefore, if you understand that you are a sinner, and you believe that Jesus Christ came as the one and only Redeemer of sin, then you understand the plan of salvation. The question is: “Are you ready?”
It's time. This is the day!
Are you ready to accept the plan by receiving God’s gift of His Son, Jesus Christ?
If so, believe in Christ, repent of your sins, and commit the rest of your life to Him as Lord:
“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again.
"I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer.
“I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule in my heart from this day forward.
"Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life.
“In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.”
"Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38)
If you decided to receive Jesus today, welcome to God's family. Now, as a way to grow closer to Him, the Bible tells us to follow up on our commitment.
Get baptized as commanded by Christ.
Tell someone else about your faith in Christ.
Spend time with God each day. Just develop the daily habit of praying to Him and reading His Word. It does not have to be a long period of time. Ask God to increase your faith and your understanding of the Bible.
Seek out fellowship with other Christians. Believing friends can support your decision to follow Christ.
Go to a local church for worship and teaching.
If you asked Jesus into your heart to save you and be your Lord, then we and many others will be delighted for you.
If you are ready to talk to someone about getting started on the next step of your journey of faith, please call us at San Antonio Community Church: (352) 588-9985.
What Is Baptism, and Why Should I Be Baptized?
Baptism is an outward, visible proclamation of your salvation. It cannot replace a salvation experience but serves to complete your profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Southern Baptist Convention states:
"Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. It is a testimony to his faith in the final resurrection of the dead. Being a church ordinance, it is prerequisite to the privileges of church membership..."
Baptisms are performed several times throughout the year, and yours will be arranged so that the church and your family and guests may be present.
You and others to be baptized will be asked to meet in the office after the morning worship celebration, where the Pastor will speak with you to clarify what to expect. Then you will change into other clothes that you will have brought with you, if you do not wish to wear your church clothes for your baptism.
Other than a change of clothes, it would be helpful if you bring your own towel and a plastic bag for taking your wet things home. You may wish to bring your hair dryer, if you use one. Don't forget a comb!
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Mark 16:16 (NIV)
Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)
Presented at Constitution Service
In 1999 San Antonio Community Church was born of a vision.
A vision for a ministry in San Antonio held by the Pasco Baptist Association and shared by the members of Blanton Baptist Church and First Baptist of Dade City.
A vision born in the pastor’s heart over twenty years earlier and brought to maturity over the last three years.
A vision for churches in the area of crusades held by the Billy Graham Evangelism Association.
A vision for church planting nurtured and fed by the Florida Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board.
On December 5, Don Walton asked Brad Stevens to pray about starting a new church, either between Dade City and Zephyrhills or in San Antonio.
On December 7, Brad and Janet spend about two hours driving throughout San Antonio in an attitude of prayer, concluding that God’s plan was for a new work in San Antonio.
On January 25, Don and Brad meet with Pastor Chris Christopherson at Blanton Baptist Church to enlist their support as the mother church for the mission.
On February 7, a group of 39 meets at Brad’s house for fellowship and prayer. The vision is cast. The group returns weekly for worship and prayer. The group commits to call every telephone number with the “588” prefix to share the news of the new work and to offer prayer support for each home.
Also in February, Pastor Brad and Chris Christopherson meet with Eddie and Louise Williams and their family to discuss meeting in the roller rink. Just a few days earlier, Louise had committed to God to do whatever He asked her to do and opened the door to the church — without cost.
On March 7, the core group meets at the rink for a trial service. The first invitation is given for membership in the new work. Eighteen join.
On March 14, San Antonio Community Church meets for the first public worship service at the rink with 79 in attendance. There are 46 in Sunday School classes. Prayers begin for someone to work with youth. The next day, a door-to-door visitation program begins with the goal of knocking on every door in San Antonio to meet every household and offer our help and encouragement.
In May, Sarah Reed comes as a summer intern, developing the drama team and assisting with numerous ministry endeavors. Also, Daniel Edgeman commits to God’s call to come to San Antonio and help with the new work, and Brad invites him to come as the minister of youth. The congregation agrees and issues a call.
In July, our youth ministry begins and F.I.R.E. is born (Freed in the Real Explosion). We hold our first Vacation Bible School, a backyard Bible club at the home of David and Rita Dious with an average of fifteen children.
On September 12, we have our first baptism service at Blanton, baptizing two men and two children.
In October, the congregation calls Audrey Freijo to join the staff as minister of children, locates a parcel of property on State Road 52 and begins investigating its purchase and development potential, and is incorporated.
Today, we come to our constituting service with 78 members, 7 awaiting baptism, one WatchCare member, three children’s Bible study groups, one group for youth, and three groups for adults, 19 choir members, four instrumentalists, a town full of prospects, a future rich with hope, and a God Who is big enough to do whatever He chooses through whoever will let Him.
San Antonio Community Church has been born of a vision and a great commission.
Note: Pastor Brad Stevens retired May 2023
© 2013-2025 San Antonio Community Church | Powered by
Having been led by God’s Holy Spirit to receive Jesus Christ by faith as our Lord and Savior and having professed that faith and, in obedience to the teachings of the scriptures, having been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we now covenant together in the presence of God to join with each other as one body, San Antonio Community Church.
We commit ourselves, by His Holy Spirit, to love one another as God has loved us, serving one another as was demonstrated by Jesus Christ, so that by our love the world may know that we are His church and come to know the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We commit ourselves, by His Holy Spirit, to be salt and light to a hurting world, raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the scriptures and, through words and deeds and offferings, giving witness to our families, our community and our world of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We commit ourselves, by His Holy Spirit, to be imitators of Christ, forgiving one another, praying for one another, teaching and admonishing one another, and assembling together in fellowship for the worship of our Lord in Spirit and in Truth.
We commit ourselves, by His Holy Spirit, to be neither cold nor lukewarm, remembering our first love, seeking only God’s glory in all of our endeavors, being active members of the body of Christ, the church, and, should we be moved from this place, to join ourselves with another local church where we may continue the spirit of this covenant.
We commit ourselves, by His Holy Spirit, to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
May the Spirit bind us together as we build this house of faith:
One in heart and one in spirit, may we grow.
May we raise our voices in witness, may our lives reflect Thy grace:
One in heart and one in spirit, as we go.
San Antonio Community Church is committed to becoming the church that God will make us. We do not know exactly what the future holds but this we do know:
We are the called out ones. People who, by God’s grace and mercy, have come into the glorious light of His presence. We long to worship Him in spirit and in truth without divisions and factions, but in unity that grows out of mutual dependence on the sufficiency of God’s grace alone, knowing that our own strength can do nothing, but His strength is perfect. We believe that every generation has great value and that regular interaction across the lines that divide us is essential to being the church that God has called us out to be. We commit to stay focused on the Father whom we have in common rather than the circumstances that may divide us, blending our lives, our interests, our talents and our finances for the edification of the church and the glorification of God.
We know that we are here for a purpose and that purpose is to live out God’s calling in our individual and corporate lives. We believe that we are ultimately here to minister and not to be “ministered to.”
San Antonio is a diverse community, and we choose to not choose the people to whom we minister, but to allow God in His wisdom and power to open the doors to all people’s hearts as we stand ready to give account of what He has done in our lives. We choose no demographic. We have no target group but the unsaved and the unchurched.
We believe that we are here to make a difference in the life of the community and in the lives of individuals. We purpose to minister to whoever needs us and to respond as we are called. Above all, we desire to serve the one Who gave His life for our salvation.
We are committed to the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth and will be a cooperative member of the cooperative body of believers in our giving and support of the Southern Baptist Convention and its agencies, the Florida Baptist Convention and its agencies and the Pasco Baptist Association.
We further believe that it is not the wisdom of God to hoard our resources, but that it is the biblical model and mandate that we be a church giving birth to churches in a natural progress of growth, and purpose that we will seek God’s will for the planting of other churches in Pasco and the surrounding areas. We long for the day when it will no longer be said that Pasco County is the most unchurched county east of the Mississippi, but will be echoed in wonder, “Can you believe that Pasco County used to be the most unchurched county east of the Mississippi?”
The song says, “Little is much when God is in it.” So we give God our little lives and our humble wills and by His power and our submission move forward into His heart and His vision in confidence. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (II Corinthians 10:4)
A few things you may want to know...
San Antonio Community Church, a Southern Baptist Convention Congregation, is prayerfully seeking God’s anointed man for the position of Lead Pastor. Our pastor of 20+ years has retired and we are looking for someone to lead and grow the church body in God-centered worship, disciple believers, and provide pastoral care as we evangelize the lost in our rapidly growing community and the world. If interested, please send your resume to PastorSearch@sananncc.com
Pastor Elbert Nasworthy and his wife, Elaine, will serve as Interim Pastor at San Ann Community Church on February 1st, 2024. Pastor Nasworthy is a Certified Interim Pastor and Church Consultant, and has served as Associate, Senior, and Interim Pastor in numerous Baptist churches locally and throughout the state since 1992. He has filled in at San Ann Community Church several times during our search for an Interim Pastor.
Pastor Elbert and his wife Elaine live in Wesley Chapel. Florida. July 31st, 2024, they will celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary.
Elaine is a retired teacher and administrator. They have two grown children, Lacey and Erik, and three grandchildren, Anthony, Isabella and Emersyn, all of whom live in the Tampa Bay Area. Pastor Elbert and Elaine enjoy traveling in their motorhome and Pastor Elbert enjoys golf.
Welcome Pastor Nasworthy and Elaine.
Visit Pastor Elbert's blog at: www.elbertnasworthy.com/blog
Lynn comes from a family of pastors where she has great uncles that served as ministers here in San Antonio and Alabama. She has a cousin who is the lead pastor for the Vine Church in Georgia.
Lynn has been the San Antonio Community Church Treasurer since 2007 and was also appointed as a Trustee in June of 2023.
Lynn graduated from St. Leo College in 1995 with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting and works as a Senior Data Analyst for Nestle US with 40 years of tenure.
Lynn's hobbies include various forms of crafting and is co-owner of K&K Scrappers who meet at the church one weekend per month. She enjoys teaching crafts and has led crafting projects for many San Antonio Community Church VBS events over the years.